Qu'est-ce que you can live forever watch online ?

"You Can Live Forever" is a docufilm by Shiva Kumar Bora that tells the story of a group of scientists and entrepreneurs who believe they can achieve immortality. The film explores the intersection of technology, human desire, and the ethical implications of potentially living forever.

The film follows several scientists and researchers who are working on various methods to extend human life. They explore the possibilities of cryonics, where bodies are preserved at ultra-low temperatures, hoping to be revived in the future when technology has advanced enough to cure their ailments. Other researchers are studying the potential for uploading human consciousness into computers, creating digital copies of ourselves that can continue to exist even after our bodies have perished.

"You Can Live Forever" also delves into the philosophical and ethical questions raised by the desire for immortality. It explores the impact on society, religion, and the very concept of what it means to be human. The film interviews experts in various fields to gain insights into the ethical considerations and potential consequences of achieving immortality.

While the film is not accessible online for free, it can be found on various streaming platforms and purchased or rented for online viewing. It has gained attention for its thought-provoking exploration of the human desire for immortality and the potential consequences of such technological advancements.

In conclusion, "You Can Live Forever" examines the cutting-edge research and innovations in the field of longevity, while also raising critical questions about the ethical implications and consequences of immortality.